Working in partnership
for early diagnosis of
prostate cancer
Prostate cancer is the most common cancer in men.
1 in 8 men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer in
their lifetime.
Talk Prostate
“Talk Prostate” is the result of a partnership between the Surrey and Sussex NHS Cancer Alliance (SSCA) and Medefer, a virtual healthcare provider, .
The partnership was established in spring 2022 and was set up in response to a below-expected number of suspected prostate cancer referrals, and a drop in the number of prostate cancers being picked, up across the Surrey & Sussex region during the Covid pandemic.
Prostate cancer is the most common cancer in men. While survival is high (78%) compared to other cancers, we still lose almost 12,000 men to this disease every year in the UK.
Medefer and SSCA are aiming to test up to 12,000 patients this year, helping to detect prostate cancers earlier and faster.
The Surrey & Sussex NHS Cancer Alliance
We are a collective of NHS organisations responsible for commissioning and providing services; local councils who commission and provide social care and public health services; charities, community, and voluntary organisations; patient representatives and groups; and academic organisations, working together in partnership.
SSCA leads the transformation and improvement of cancer care and services across our local health and social care systems and our vision is ‘To develop and deliver world-class outcomes in cancer care and treatment for the populations of Surrey and Sussex.’
Go to to find out more.

Medefer is a Care Quality Commission (CQC) registered provider, working in partnership with the NHS to provide a virtual outpatient service and deliver faster, better care for patients.
At Medefer, we want to be the world’s most patient-focused virtual health service. We are on a mission to help patients get better faster.
Normally, we work directly with the NHS to provide remote access to specialist consultants, giving patients like you fast access to the advice and support you need.
For this project, we are assisting SSCA in identifying patients at higher risk of prostate cancer, so that these can be referred to their local NHS hospital for face to face (rather than Virtual) care.